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Walking Basslines For Beginners
Matt Warnock one of our Jazz Tutors explains how to get to grips with learning walking basslines.
This is a good free lesson if you like the sound of walking basslines but are unsure how to learn this jazz essential.
Jazz Lines For Beginners
Matt Warnock one of our Jazz Tutors explains how to get to grips with learning Jazz Soloing
Jazz Chord Progressions
Matt Warnock one of our Jazz Tutors explains how to get to grips with ii - V - I, the basic jazz chord progression
Arpeggios For Beginners
Matt Warnock one of our Jazz Tutors explains how to get to grips with learning Jazz Arpeggios
In these Free jazz guitar lessons you will learn basic walking basslines, essential jazz line for beginners, how to use arpeggios in jazz, and how to play basic jazz chord progressions. These lessons are by Matt Warnock one of our resident online guitar tutors
Triad Voicing's
Dylan Kay explains in this lesson the different sounds you can get by learning triads in open and closed voicing's
Guide Tones
Dylan Kay teaches how to use guide tones, and important concept to understand when improving over chord changes