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Here is an exercise to help develop an alternate picking idea rhythmically.
The idea is to keep a basic 6 note sequence going but by adding in two extra notes and maintaining the sextuplet rhythmic feel the accents are placed differently over the beat this creates a completely different and more complexed feel to a common idea
This can be hard to play in time, so the best method for getting this down is to practice it slowly and build up the speed gradually.
1. once you have this down apply it to any other common sequence you know.
2. try improvising with this
3. check out some players who use this extensively - Paul Gilbert, Shawn Lane etc
Figure 1.1
The sound you want to aim for is a seamless flurry of notes, practice this with a metronome and work up to a higher tempo gradually. When you are using the pick to play the note, make sure that you pick lightly in order that the picked notes don’t stand out from the legato ones. Check out players like Allan Holdsworth, Joe Satriani and Brett Garsed who use this technique extensively.
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The practice idea below is useful if you want to work on a legato sound, or wish to add that technique to your playing. The idea is that you only pick when you cross to the next string all other notes are performed with either a hammer on, pull off or a slide.
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Figure 1.1 @ 60 bpm
Figure 1.1 @ 120 bpm
Rhythmic Displacement Lick - By Duncan Jones
Legato Chromatic Lick - By Duncan Jones
A Minor Pentatonic Tapping Lick - By Matt Pearce
Hear what the lick sounds like